What are the most common mistakes new users make with Google Analytics?

This post has compiled a list of the most common mistakes new users make with Google Analytics. So if you’re looking to create your first report with Google Analytics, read on to learn what your mistakes might be.

Not understanding the data provided

If you don’t understand what is happening in the data that you are given, your report can not serve the purpose. Start with the simple reports, try adding the new dimensions to them, and see if that is informative. An expert can help you understand what insights a report has for you.

Incorrectly setting up goals and eCommerce tracking

If you set up your goals incorrectly, it can be a time-consuming process to get them all working for you in the way you want. That is why you need someone with the experience and knowledge to help you from the outset.

What are the most common mistakes new users make with Google Analytics

Only using Google Analytics instead of other analytics software

It’s always better to use a whole host of analysis tools to get a complete picture of what is going on rather than relying on just one source.

Using a report that is too complex

It’s always better to use a report that matches your needs. However, if you are going to work with a report that is going to be quite complicated, we wouldn’t recommend it. You’ll find that setting up the data and reports can become tedious and could mean that you end up not taking action on the data after all.

Not fixing data issues

Any odd data should be fixed immediately. It’s always good to know what is going on in your sites than to find out an hour before a big meeting that the data is all wrong.

Taking action on reports too quickly

If you take action on reports before you have thoroughly analyzed them, you could end up making decisions based on incorrect information or assumptions. That’s why it’s always best to have time and space between looking at your reports so that you can calmly consider each one and put things into perspective without being influenced by the previous report!

Not taking action on segments

If you’re not tracking segments within your reports, you could miss out on many potential gains. For example, suppose a user is visiting your website, and you don’t have them in your system. In that case, you could be missing out on crucial information that you need to make a decision!

Choosing the wrong date range

Before deciding what data you want to use, it’s always a good idea to double-check what date range you want this data for. In addition, you want this data to be accurate and trustworthy so that you can make decisions based on it.

Using too many dimensions or views

It’s always best to stick with a single view of your reports, as it will help you see trends in your data more quickly. That way, you’ll have the right granularity so that you know exactly what is happening in your business!


By avoiding these mistakes, you’ll be able to take the right actions based on real data. Even if you don’t know how to get the data that you need, a Google Analytics expert can help with that too!

In whole or part, Google Analytics is a great way to see what’s happening in your business and what changes you should make. However, it’s not always easy at the start, so it’s best to have someone on hand who can help.

If you’re looking for a professional and friendly team to help with your Google Analytics, then don’t hesitate to get in touch for further information, in case, you need help from a specialist, you can contact us onĀ askdigitalseo@gmail.com.