How to use the Google Keyword Planner for SEO?

Keywords are the unique word/s or phrases in your content which can be marked as a keyword, so that the search engine finds your web page when someone tries to check for a website/web page related to that keyword.

These days a lot of innovative ways and tools have been introduced in the market which can help you to find your set of keywords which works best for you, one such great tool provided by Google is Google Keyword Planner which was previously known as the Google Keyword Tool.

This is for you if you have a Google account which the majority of us have these days. Let’s know more about its features in detail.

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner features

This is a free-to-use feature within Google Ads. You can use this free tool to analyze your content and see which keywords are best for your content to make it a top ranking page. This keyword research tool allows you to see whether a particular keyword is in trend these days and people are actively searching for a topic related to it or not.

It will also show you data and help you to understand how the searches related to that particular keyword have changed over time. Here the best thing is that even if you don’t want to create an ad campaign, you can still set up a Google Ads account and start using your free Google Keyword Planner for optimizing your content.

Its great features include suggestions for new keywords, estimates for number of searches a keyword gets each month, determine average cost of your ad, organize keywords (see how your keywords fit into different categories related to your brand) and create new campaigns centered on, in-depth keyword research.

Discover new keywords

Best way to keep getting new keywords is to keep researching about the new trends emerging for keywords search and also it is very essential that you should understand the mindset of your target audience under which they make the search.

Be one up on your competitors by analyzing what do your target audience need and set your keywords accordingly. One of the great tricks to set the keyword is to visualize what will help your audience to get a major inconvenience resolved, then write your content and decide your keywords accordingly.

Depending on your intent and extent of how and where you want to use the keywords, there are 3 ways to discover new keywords with Google Keyword Planner.

Focused on keywords

Once you put the words related to your web content, Google keyword planner will provide you with unique keywords which match your content and help you in deciding the best keyword for yourself.

Focused on your website

Once you provide the name of your website to Google, it will analyze your whole site and suggest the keywords which would work best for you as per the content of your website.

Focused on keyword ideas in ad groups

You can provide the details of your campaigns, Keyword Planner will suggest the best keywords for you as per your top campaigns.

Analyze the search results for Keywords

Once you decide the right set of keywords for your web page or the website, gradually you will see an increase in the number of hits your web page gets and change in the traffic volume. This would be the biggest indicator that the new keywords you have set are working for you and bringing your target audience to your web page.

Goal of setting keywords for your web content is to make your web page more searchable when a person enters a related word in the search engines like Google. Google Keyword Planner will help you to analyze the actual traffic generated for a particular web page when you set a particular keyword for your web page.

Narrow your search results for keywords

After analyzing the response of your targeted audience for keywords which you had set earlier vis a vis keywords suggested by the Google Keyword Planner, you can decide which keywords work best for you.

It is possible that you may consider a certain keyword as the best one, however, when you use the analysis tool then you realize it may not bring traffic to your web page. Google’s keyword analysis tool measures actual hits, you are getting on your web page when you use a particular keyword and provides you suggestions accordingly.

This can help you to narrow down your keyword list to the ones which really get the high traffic volumes for you.

Always view keyword forecasts

Google Keyword Planner also shows you forecasts based on the historical search data to determine how much traffic you are likely to get with a particular keyword. As per Google, these forecasts can help you decide how to group your keywords in the best possible way and in turn help you with optimizing your web content with the set of best keywords.

Forecast is in terms of the number of hits your web page or ad campaign may get if a particular keyword is included. It will also help you in calculating the average cost you would be spending every day for each keyword. You can enter a single or multiple keywords which can be separated by commas or line breaks.


So, as you would have observed, with the help of Google Keyword Planner, you can decide which keywords work best for you. A keyword which matches your web content and which is as per the search trends which people follow, will help your web content to be optimized and top ranked.

The keywords you choose to optimize your web content should align with your SEO strategy and help you to create a niche space for the services or knowledge you are offering to your target audience.

Always review your contents and keywords multiple times, match it with the Google Keyword Planner analysis, add new keywords as per the suggestions from this tool and you will see a remarkable increase in traffic volume if your content is really good.