What are the most common Technical SEO issues you should fix

Technical SEO issues exist without even us knowing about them. The more technical SEO issues, the lesser the chances of a search engine finding your website.

Technical SEO Issues is nothing but simply a way to ensure that the search engine can find, pass and recognize the data on your website in an efficient manner. Better technical SEO ensures that your website ranking over a search engine is high.

When composed together, the title tag, page headings, page title, 301 redirects, metadata, and sitemaps form technical SEO.

You must have heard about “PENGUIN,” “HUMMINGBIRD,” and “PANDA.” These are not just animal or bird names; these are the search algorithms used by search engines to rank the websites.

Of course, to win the SEO game, the content published on the website should be of high quality. But only quality content would not be helpful if your site has structural or any other technical problem.

Let’s dive deep into this and see what the most common technical SEO issues are –

What are the most common Technical SEO issues you should fix

Slow Load Time

The worst technical issue is slow web load time. The users want information in an instant. If page loading takes time, the user will leave the site without even getting to know what the offer is available or what is the natural feel like.

No XML Sitemaps

Search engines should crawl over your pages to get those pages to appear in the search results. XML sitemaps help the search bots to know about your site pages and crawl over them intelligently. Thus, adding XML sitemaps to the domain is very crucial.

Unpleasant Navigation

Suppose the users visit your website and they can’t navigate around the site quickly because the navigation setup is poor. In that case, they will not be attracted to your site.

Badly Structured Data

Structured data is a method that helps crawlers in collecting the information and data of your website. An inadequately structured data will lead to a technical SEO issue, harshly impacting your site.

Absent Alt Tags

The alternative tag tells the bot crawler about the picture or image. Thus, helping the search engine in indexing a webpage. Missing alt tags and broken images are a lost cause for upping your game in technical SEO.


Sometimes several blog platforms create bad URLs for the latest content. If the URL is messy, your credibility is at stake with the search engines and users, leading to decreased clicks on your website.

To make the URL SEO-friendly, it should contain keywords that are easily understood and read by the users and the search engines. The keyword should explain what exactly the webpage is about. For example- ‘healthyy.com/health recipes’.

Why the Broken Links are Bad for SEO

Broken links are the most annoying when we talk about a good user experience on the website. To prevent damage to your SEO rank and also your customer’s experience, it is mandatory to check and fix the broken links. Therefore, checking for broken links should be necessary for your website maintenance.

Broken links are hyperlinked from one site page to another site page that is no more accessible because of several reasons. Among those several reasons, the most common is that the linked page no longer exists (error 404). Other causes include restricted access, server problems, or wrongly spelled URLs. Broken links are internal or outbound links.

Now the question is, how do broken links affect SEO

Broken links harm conversion rates. They might not impact the SEO directly, but indirectly they indeed do. Broken Links affect the time on the website and bounce rate and can also send signals regarding your website that it is old and outdated.

To fix the broken links, you need to find them first. There are many different ways to find broken links; one of them is using Google Search Console Tools. You can either remove the link and replace it with an excellent working link or completely remove it.

What is the best way to fix bad SEO?

You create your own website, but nobody visits that site. It happens to most people. Just creating a website is not always valuable enough. You need to get into the search results when people search for anything related to your business site. To make this possible, we must look at fixing bad SEO. There are numerous approaches to fixing bad SEO.

The first thing that should be fixed is the high page load time. It can be accomplished by checking the size and format of the images. Keeping in check the redirects can also be helpful. Finally, the JS and CSS files can be compressed by using shorter variable names.

You can face problems related to the Google My Business account’s verification PIN. To solve this issue, you can change your profile from private to public, or a new PIN can also be requested. Content is like a monarch for the website. Make sure the content is not duplicated and is relevant. The audience should get the information regarding the products they want.

The alternate tags should not be missed. If missed, the images will appear as broken. So, to give an alt tag to an image is very much necessary. Example – “<img src= “image.jpg” alt= “image description”>”.

The pages should be indexed properly, and the data on the site should be structured. If these fixes are kept in mind, you will definitely master the SEO game. Thus, it is helpful in the overall ranking of your website.

Which are the best SEO strategies?

SEO strategy is a procedure to build several SEO approaches and sort the website’s content topic to increase the chances of appearing in a search result. Having an SEO strategy is of significant importance. Let us take a look at several vital strategies-

  1. Knowledge of keywords is very important. Keywords with less competition should be chosen. Think a bit out of the box while selecting the appropriate keywords. It would be best if you mused like what you write when you search for a particular product.
  2. Like, As we discussed in this article, content is the monarch of a website. So, write content that is very engaging and attracts the audience. Keep it real.
  3. Keywords should be used in the website’s URL. For example, suppose your webpage is saying about fashion clothing products. In that case, the URL of your webpage should be products/fashion clothing.
  4. Page titles should not be overlooked at any cost. The titles should be engaging and relevant.
  5. Improved User Experience should also be part of your SEO strategy. To get a good ranking in the search result, the UI of your website should be appealing. Please work with the website creators and ask them to make a UI that is easy and instinctual to navigate around.
  6. Hiring an expert is also a good option. But, again, SEO is all about common sense. But it can be a good option if you can afford to hire an expert.