Top 10 Website Security Practices for 2022

With the rapid expansion of the internet and its myriad effects on society, it is imperative that organizations begin to put greater emphasis on website security. IT Security is no more an affiliate activity but central to the overall security infrastructure.

Network security is essential for the smooth running of operations and any disruption can lead to disastrous consequences. However, it is pertinent to remember that keeping the internet safe is not just the prerogative of specialized organizations but we as individuals do have a role to play too.

In this article, we will take a quick look at the best website security practices for 2022.

HTTPS is the way to go

The world is increasingly turning to HTTPS, the “S” stands for security. This protocol should be taken as a priority for all website owners. An SSL certification ensures that all communication between the browser and the website is secure.

It is especially essential for eCommerce websites, which record thousands of transactions daily and keep a record of customer details.

Top 10 Website Security Practices for 2022

Keep Updating

One major challenge that most organizations face is updating their legacy hardware and software packages. It is vital to update the software through regular updating of security patches. These updates take care of newer threats and act as a bulwark against hackers, who are always on the lookout for newer ways to penetrate networks and systems.

Crank the password up

One of the most used passwords in the world is “1234”. Yes, that’s right. Our forgetfulness is a gold mine for hackers who surreptitiously enter through backdoors and steal whatever information is stored.

The password needs to be strong. In fact, most websites use TFA or Two-Factor Authorization to register users or even while logging into existing accounts. This acts as an extra wall against illegal entry.

Stop clicking on every URL

IT security will only be a success once browsing becomes safe. Most of us have a habit of clicking on anything that looks shiny and alluring. Scammers create colorful websites which promise huge discounts on various products, thereby attracting unsuspecting visitors.

These websites are often conduits to illegal activities. Phishing is one of the most common methods of social engineering, aimed at garnering secret information from individuals. It is therefore highly advisable to keep browsing those areas which are known.

Personal Devices are at risk too

It is not just the laptop or the desktop which are at risk but personal devices like the smartphones, TV et all are too. Any device that can be connected to the world wide web is a target. It is important that these devices to are taken good care of. Regular security updates should be followed, and systems upgraded at regular intervals.

Create Obstacles

Access control is essential in every walk of life, especially for those activities where knowledge spread must be kept limited. Access to relevant information should be strictly role and responsibility based and not open for all.


Backing up the database regularly saves a lot of headaches and pain afterward. If a website crashes, for whatever reasons, the immediate version of the database can be implemented, and operations can be resumed without much ado.

Continuous surveillance

The primary task of IT Security teams is to constantly monitor network traffic. The slightest anomaly needs to be recorded and appropriate action is taken.

Fire up the firewall

A website without a firewall is akin to going to war without any armor. Firewalls over the years have become increasingly sophisticated and having them guard the website has numerous benefits.

Plan B

What happens when, despite the best preparations and intentions, the website gets hacked? Switching to plan B is the best option. A recovery model must be in place and counter mechanisms would need to be activated immediately.

Final Words

Keeping a website secure is a collective effort. With the advent of technology, there is also a rise in malicious attempts to steal information. One must make a serious effort to confront such issues before it goes out control.